Startups may be common or unique, depending on where you live. They’re new businesses that are supposed to be celebrated for their innovative ideas, agility, and rapid growth potential. However, with the fast-paced nature of startups, it’s easy for leadership to overlook certain things that could seriously help their long-term success. One such thing is the startup’s own intellectual property (IP).

Intellectual property refers to intangible assets. These can be patents, trademarks, copyrights, and/or trade secrets. These assets are as essential for startups as they are for long-standing businesses. Many may not realize it, but IP provides a competitive edge and can help you grow your business. The IP protection attorneys at Emerson Thomson Bennett can explain.

Protection of Ideas

Startups often have groundbreaking ideas that set them apart from their competitors. These ideas are the foundation of their business and can be protected through intellectual property rights. By securing patents or trademarks, startups can prevent others from copying their unique concepts and products, thereby giving them a competitive advantage.

Without proper IP protection, startups risk losing their innovative ideas to larger companies with more resources. This not only hinders their growth but can also lead to legal battles and financial losses.

Attractiveness to Investors

Investors are crucial for the success of startups as they provide the necessary funding for growth and expansion. However, the most experienced and successful investors know that a lack of IP protection is a mark of a lack of experience. Without IP rights, there’s no guarantee that the startup’s ideas and products are unique and won’t be copied by others. This may make them question whether or not they should invest in your company when you can’t prove the legitimacy of your ideas.

Having a strong IP portfolio will show investors that your startup has valuable assets and that it has value in multiple places. 

Monetization Opportunities

IP can also provide startups with various monetization opportunities. For example, patents can be licensed or sold to generate revenue. Trademarks and copyrights can also be licensed for use by other businesses, generating a steady stream of income.

Expansion into New Markets

As startups grow, they often look to expand their business into new markets. However, without proper IP protection in place, this can be a risky endeavor. With the necessary rights and licenses in different countries, startups can avoid facing legal issues and losing control over their intellectual property in those foreign markets.

Therefore, startups must establish an IP strategy early on and protect their ideas in the markets they plan to expand into. This not only ensures their business is protected but also allows for a smoother and more successful expansion.

Contact the Intellectual Property Attorneys at Emerson Thomson Bennett For Help

Startups can find more success if they recognize how useful intellectual property can be to their business strategies. They can do this by taking the necessary steps to create, protect, and keep track of their IP assets. 

With proper IP protection, startups can attract investors, prevent competitors from copying their ideas, monetize their assets, and expand into new markets successfully. If you own a startup, consider consulting with intellectual property attorneys at Emerson Thomson Bennett to develop and implement a strong IP strategy that will further your business goals. Contact us today to learn more.



We provide complete intellectual property representation to business owners, inventors and artists in all matters related to the establishment and protection of domestic and international patents, trademarks and copyrights. Attorneys at our firm also serve as in-house IP counsel for companies whose needs do not call for a full-time internal position.


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