Defend Your Trademark Rights or Lose Them

Company names, brand names, corporate colors, and logos are all important identifying characteristics that help to establish a company’s identity in the marketplace. These names and visual representations build goodwill with consumers over time. In many ways, these visual characteristics are as important as the company’s trade secrets.​

Competitors can destroy the goodwill associated with a brand when they use similar colors or images in their own corporate identities. When they do this, this is trademark infringement. At the law firm of Emerson Thomson Bennett, we have extensive experience representing clients on both sides of trademark litigation disputes. Having been on both sides of trademark litigation, we have the unique ability to understand the case from “the other side.”

Addressing Internet and Domain Name Disputes

The internet is a rapidly expanding marketplace. It is the first place people go for information about your company, product, or service. For many people, a domain name that contains their company name or the name of one of their brands is equivalent to the name itself. When third parties register a domain name that is the same as or confusingly similar to a trademarked name, it can put the trademark owner’s reputation in jeopardy.

At the law firm of Emerson Thomson Bennett, our trademark litigation attorneys represent business owners in a broad range of disputes involving domain names. Whether your trademarked name is being infringed upon or you are being accused of infringing upon another, we will be there to protect your interests.​

From sending or responding to cease-and-desist letters to representing clients in arbitration through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and federal court or Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) proceedings, we provide complete domain name dispute services.​ Our litigation group is experienced in handling federal court litigations related to Internet law, such as cybersquatting and other domain name issues.

Combating Cybersquatting, Identity Theft, and Net-Based Trespassing

Cybersquatting is a practice that involves the registration of a domain name that includes a name or brand that is the same as or very similar to a name that is the intellectual property of another party.​ Many of these registrations are made in an apparent effort to profit from obtaining the domain name before the intellectual property owner is able to do so.

At the law firm of Emerson Thomson Bennett, our lawyers represent clients whose trademarked names are being infringed upon by cybersquatters, including cases of “typosquatting,” where a common misspelling or variation of a trademarked name is registered as a domain name.​

We are highly skilled in the procedures necessary to resolve these matters in Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) proceedings and federal court actions under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), including appeals of UDRP decisions.

Trademark Infringement Attorneys Who Will Protect Your IP

How your brand is represented and recognized is important. You need to be unique to stand out in today’s market and ensure your business is the only one utilizing its trademarks to protect your reputation. At Emerson Thomson Bennett, we know how vital trademarks are for a business. Our trademark litigation attorneys are prepared to help those who have had their trademarks infringed on or who have been accused of infringing on another’s trademarks. 

We are responsive to the client’s needs, making the client a part of our litigation team. We aggressively pursue our client’s rights to ensure the best outcomes. For a review of our trademark litigation experience and our outcomes in numerous litigations, learn more about some of our most notable cases.

Contact our trademark litigation attorneys today for assistance. 

John Skeriotis

Partner – Litigation Practice Chair

John Skeriotis

Areas of Practice

Intellectual Property, Patent, Trademarks, Copyright, Internet Law, Litigation, Licensing



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