Understanding the Burden of Proof for Trademark Infringement

In today’s competitive business landscape, protecting your company’s identity is crucial. Trademarks are how you can establish and safeguard your business and your brand’s reputation. For small business owners and corporate executives, understanding trademark laws and the burden of proof in infringement cases is vital. 

The trademark attorneys at Emerson Thomson Bennett will explore the importance of trademarks, the concept of trademark infringement, and the legal burden of proof in such cases.

The Importance of Trademarks for Corporate Identity

Trademarks are more than just symbols or names; they include every part of your brand’s identity and reputation in the marketplace. This includes:

  • Company names 
  • Logos
  • Corporate colors

When customers see your logo or hear your brand name, they associate it with the quality and reliability of your products or services. This association is invaluable to your business’s marketing, customer loyalty, and success.

Protecting your trademarks can be as crucial to your business as safeguarding your business’s trade secrets. Unauthorized use of similar marks by competitors can dilute your brand’s distinctiveness and confuse consumers. Therefore, every business owner should have some level of understanding of trademark laws. This will help you see when taking proactive measures to protect your trademarks.

What Is Trademark Infringement?

Trademark infringement occurs when another party uses a trademark that is confusingly similar to yours without permission. You want to respond and potentially stop all uses of a similar trademark because it can harm your brand’s reputation and erode the goodwill you’ve built with consumers.

Infringement can involve someone emulating any element of your brand identity, including company names, logos, and even corporate colors. For example, if a competitor uses a logo that closely resembles yours, consumers might mistakenly believe that both businesses are related.

Not only does this confusion affect your brand’s reputation, and leads to lost sales and diminished market share.

The Legal Principle of Burden of Proof

In trademark infringement cases, the burden of proof falls on the plaintiff. This means that you, as the trademark owner, must demonstrate that the defendant’s use of a mark creates a likelihood of confusion among consumers.

Proving the likelihood of confusion involves several factors, including: 

  • The similarity of the trademarks 
  • The relatedness of the goods or services
  • The strength of your trademark 

Courts consider these factors to determine whether consumers are likely to be misled.

Determining the burden of proof can be challenging, but it is essential to protect your brand from unauthorized use. Working with the experienced trademark attorneys at Emerson Thomson Bennett can help you build a strong case and increase your chances of success.

Building a Strong Case for Trademark Infringement

To successfully prove trademark infringement, you need to present compelling evidence that demonstrates the likelihood of confusion. This evidence can include: 

  • Consumer surveys: Consumer surveys can provide valuable insights into how consumers perceive the marks in question. 
  • Technical advisor testimony: Testimony from branding and marketing professionals can further support your case by explaining the potential for confusion.
  • Examples: Examples of actual confusion in the marketplace with detailed explanations of the damages you’ve suffered.

Gathering and presenting this evidence requires a thorough understanding of trademark law and litigation strategies. Partnering with skilled trademark attorneys ensures that your case is well-prepared and effectively presented.

Why Utilize ETB Law’s Trademark Infringement Legal Services?

By working with our attorneys, who are experienced in trademark law and brand protection, you can ensure that your case is well-supported and strategically presented.

We can help you gather and analyze evidence, develop persuasive arguments, and anticipate potential challenges from the defendant.  Our experience increases your chances of achieving a favorable outcome in court.

Investing in legal representation is a proactive step towards protecting your brand’s identity and ensuring that your trademarks are defended against infringement now and in the future.

Contact the Trademark Attorneys at ETB Law For Help

Understanding trademark infringement and the burden of proof is crucial for small business owners and corporate executives. Trademark infringement can severely impact your brand’s goodwill and reputation. By taking proactive measures and working with experienced attorneys, you can protect your trademarks and maintain your brand’s integrity.

For further assistance with trademark infringement cases and protecting your brand, contact ETB Law today. Our team of experienced attorneys is here to help you safeguard your corporate identity and secure your brand’s future.



We provide complete intellectual property representation to business owners, inventors and artists in all matters related to the establishment and protection of domestic and international patents, trademarks and copyrights. Attorneys at our firm also serve as in-house IP counsel for companies whose needs do not call for a full-time internal position.


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